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Community Advocacy

Who We Work With

Trail Users

We want to hear from all trial users so that the Natural Trails at Terry Hershey Park can be enjoyed by all


Trail User Groups

We work with all trail user groups that have an interest in the Natural Trails

Neighborhood HOA's

We work with the neighborhoods adjacent to the Buffalo Bayou Trail System 

Stand-up Meeting
Image by J King

Neighborhood Organisations

We work with neighborhood Organizations

Non Profits

We work with other non-profits that work to protect Houston's greenspaces and provide recreational areas for our community

Image by Hannah Busing
org logos.JPG

US and International Trail Organizations

We work with, and take inspiration from American Trails and IMBA.

We follow the Guidelines for Quality Trail Experience by BLM and IMBA .

Local Government 

We work with Harris County Flood Control District who owns the land and Harris County Prescient 4 who will oversee the operations at Terry Hershey Park.

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